Eating Oxford
Southern Foodways Alliance Extends Deadline for Oral History Workshop
The SFA is currently taking applications for our 2015 Oral History Workshop, and there’s still time to apply!
Application Deadline has been EXTENDED to Monday, May 25, 2015.
The week-long workshop will focus on processing, production, and dissemination of oral history projects after interviews have been collected.
Throughout the week, participants will get to experiment with and workshop various methods of producing and sharing oral history interviews both within and outside of the archive.
Some of our guest lecturers include Tina Antolini, producer of Gravy podcast, digital producer, storyteller and professor Erin Anderson, and our good friends at SouthDocs.
If you are a current student (graduate or undergraduate) or an SFA member and would like to apply for the workshop, you find how to apply by heading here. Thanks to the generosity of chef Edward Lee, two diversity scholarships are available to student applicants.