UM Class of 2015 Legacy Gift Creates Scholarship in Chancellor Dan Jones’ Honor

Photo courtesy UM Communications
Photo courtesy UM Communications

The University of Mississippi’s Class of 2015 Legacy Gift will be an endowment scholarship on behalf of Chancellor Dr. Daniel W. Jones to expand opportunities for future student leaders. Through the Ignite Ole Miss website, gifts can be made from $15 to $5,000 to help reach their $20,000 goal.

Ole Miss senior class president Grady Nutt
Ole Miss senior class president Grady Nutt

“As the senior class president, I have had the privilege of coordinating a fundraiser that will allow the legacy and accomplishments of our graduating class to be remembered for years to come,” said Grady Nutt, who has led the initiative.

So far, the fundraising has reached about $10,000, 52 percent of the goal. A generous $5,000 was pledged to get the fundraiser started.

The initiative hopes to reflect members’ recognition of what the university has meant and will continue to mean to their lives. During the Chancellor’s tenure, private gifts to athletics and academics have increased 70 percent. Student enrollment also increased a staggering 26 percent, with students from all 50 states and 93 countries around the world claiming Ole Miss as home. The Class of 2015’s gift looks to “pass on the value of service and positively impact the world.”

“I wanted to focus our efforts on a project that would represent our four years together but I also wanted to give an intangible gift back to the university,” Nutt said. “The best way to achieve this was to endow a scholarship, working alongside the University Foundation. As long as the University of Mississippi’s doors are open, a student leader will attend this fine school from the generous support of our donors by supporting this year’s Legacy Gift, you can help celebrate the many accomplishments of the class of 2015 as well as the many accomplishments of our beloved Chancellor, Dr. Dan Jones.”

Donations can be made here.

Margaretta Carter is a staff reporter and can be reached at