Artist Charlie Buckley Needs Help with Grove Mural at Graduate Oxford


Local artist Charlie Buckley is calling on all dedicated Grovers to help him with a large mural of the best tailgating spot in the world.

The Graduate Oxford Hotel, set to open this fall, commissioned a 7’x5′ painting of the Grove, and Buckley has a creative idea in works: squeeze the state of Mississippi into 10 acres of the Grove.

But he needs help.

Buckley has walked in the Grove numerous times, and he has noticed several tents titled “Greenwood Rebels” and “Clarksdale Rebels” to name a few, welcoming Rebels who share these specific cities. He calls on all tailgaters who put up those geographical tents and help him relocate these cities from the state map into the painting of the Grove so that visitors can mingle with their locals.

He posted the map of the Grove on his Facebook page. To help him locate those geographical tailgating spots, submit the letter and number coordinates to him at


So far, Rebel tailgaters contacted him about these following locations: Copiah County (4J); Batesville (F1); and Tent 1810 that holds mostly Oxonians and Lafayette County Rebel fans at J2. For updates on his progress with the Grove painting stay tuned to his Facebook page.

Meanwhile the Southside Gallery is featuring his artwork until May 9, so all those who love his vibrant Southern-inspired landscape paintings can visit the gallery. Those who would like a canvas reproduction may browse options on his website:

Callie Daniels is a staff reporter/writer for She can be reached at