Amy Sara Carroll will be this year’s Summer Poet in Residence at the University of Mississippi.

Carroll is an assistant professor of American culture, Latina/o studies and English at the University of Michigan.
Throughout her residency from June 15 to July 15, Carroll will visit with Master of Fine Arts classes in creative writing and English to discuss literature and poetry. She said she is also hoping to learn more about the culture of the South.
“I’ve only driven through Mississippi before, so I’m excited to learn more about a place that’s so important to American history,” Carroll said.
Beth Ann Fennelly, UM associate professor of English and director of the M.F.A. program, wants students to learn from Carroll’s unique poetry style.
“Amy’s work is very interesting to us and very different,” Fennelly said. “Her work tends to be more of a hybrid, using text and visuals that are grounded in politics. We feel she will enrich our summer school classes as she meets with M.F.A. students.”
Carroll’s published work includes two collections, “SECESSION” (Hyperbole Books, 2012) and “FANNIE+FREDDIE/The Sentimentality of Post 9/11 Pornography” (Fordham University Press, 2013). In 2012, she received the Poets Out Loud Prize for the latter collection.
Carroll is working on art and poetry to raise awareness of migrant deaths at the United States-Mexico border.
During the first week of her residency, Carroll will have a reading at Off Square Books, set for 5:30 p.m. June 18, following a book signing at 5 p.m.
For more information about the Summer Poet in Residence Program, click here.
Courtesy of Christina Steube, Ole Miss News Desk