City Grocery Ranks No. 55 in National List Spanning 101 Restaurants

city grocery

Oxford just keeps getting in national media for good eats!

The Food and Drink section of the ranked 101 best restaurants in America for 2015 and the City Grocery in Oxford came in at No. 55. According to the article, the City Grocery is “the best of both worlds” created by Chef John Currence.

Grilled bolonga sandwich courtesy of City Grocery's Facebook page
Grilled bolonga sandwich courtesy of City Grocery’s Facebook page

The article pointed out mouth-watering dishes like grilled lard hangar steak, lamb neck posole and spicy chicken thighs and asserted that it’s hard to pick between muffaleta, burgers and the grilled bolonga sandwiches for lunch.

Do y’all agree? What are your favorite dishes at City Grocery?

Callie Daniels is a staff writer for She can be reached at