Curb Appeal: a House on a Hill


Oxford is a hilly community. Often, homes are built on top of a hill and are left with a long sloping yard. If no landscaping exists, your eye is drawn to the crest where the house sits. While it may remind you of your child’s award-winning drawing of a house on a hill (where two-thirds of the picture is green and a small house sits on the line at the top of the page), adding some features like trees, flowers or a rock wall may enhance the curb appeal. If your house is for sale, or going to be soon, the enhanced curb appeal may bring in more potential buyers.

To improve the look of a long slope in front of your home, try these ideas:

Terrace your yard
Depending on the degree of your slope, this may be a great option to make grass cutting easier. Add mulch and flowers or shrubs in front of or along the tops of stone walls to enhance the natural look.

Add trees
CAM02897-1According to the Arbor Day Foundation, landscaping and especially trees can increase the property values by up to 20%. From small Myrtles and Dogwood trees to large Oaks, a stand of trees can provide a focal point, shade, color, and when close to your house help reduce air conditioning bills.

Landscape with flowers
Did you notice the daffodils and tulips in Oxford recently? They shot out of the ground in the middle of yards. And, it was beautiful. A flowering slope in the spring will enhance your yard and when the flowers are wilted, mow them down. They will resurface next year. Also, if you are not interested in terracing your sloping yard, try replacing the expanse of grass with mulched berms filled with flowers and low bushes. Add a large Azalea here and there to add texture, color and height.

Include a walkway
Once your front slope is landscaped you’ll want to walk through it and maybe have a seat. Remember to plan a foot path and a spot to place a few garden chairs and a small table for your iced tea.

Remember the wildlife
If you are going this far with your project, include a birdhouse or two and a water feature for visiting birds and butterflies. Squirrels will get in on the action, so throw in a squirrel feeder, too.

I’ll be teaching a Backyard Wildlife Habitat class at the Oxford Public Library in June. Check their schedule and be sure to attend.

Check out the many other great front yard landscaping ideas on my Pinterest Curb Appeal page, then consult your local garden specialist for some specific help.

Saunders_EileenEileen Saunders is a contributor who writes on curb appeal and gardening. A certified Junior Master Gardener Instructor and Master Environmental Educator, Eileen is also a realtor in the Oxford office of Tommy Morgan Inc., Realtors. You can contact Eileen at or call her at (662) 404-0816. For more home tips, follow her Facebook page.