Get ready to show your pride on your ride, Oxford school supporters. After months of recruiting people to buy a specialty car tag for the district, the Oxford School District Foundation (OSDF) has exceeded its goal of 300 pre-paid tags.
“We want to thank the Oxford School District and the community for helping us with this campaign,” said Camie Bianco, president of OSDF. “The support has been tremendous, and because of you, we will soon have more money to put back into the classroom.”
The chief benefit to Oxford schools is that $24 out of every $31 tag fee comes back to the district and allows OSDF to fund teacher grant requests. In the past, teachers have been awarded money for science learning kits, specialized math calculators, perma-bound books and robotics gear, among other items. This year’s Awards for Teacher Innovation will be announced before the end of the school year.
“The second aspect that we don’t want to forget about is the great opportunity we have to showcase our wonderful school district by proudly displaying these O-bolt plates on our cars,” said Betsy Smith, who helped lead the car tag campaign for OSDF. “Won’t it it be amazing to see Charger pride displayed on plates throughout this town and state?”
It’s not too late to order your tag, either. Anyone who gets a completed pre-order form to OSDF before April 15 will be eligible for a chance to win a signed Ole Miss football and baseball, two tickets to an Ole Miss home baseball game and field passes for pre-game batting practice, as well as a bicycle donated by Regions Bank.
After April 15, you will have to wait until the state of Mississippi makes the plates available to the general public, which OSDF leaders believe should be some time in July.