Oxford police responded to the following incidents: 12 suspicious activities, nine alarms, six disturbances, six careless drivers, five noise violations, four lost items, three malicious mischief, three animal complaints, two harassing phone calls, two welfare concerns, two 911 hang ups, two simple assaults, two code violations, a petit larceny, an auto-burglary at Conference Center, an improper parking, a trespassing, a public intoxication, a domestic violence, and a false pretense.
Oxford police investigated 13 wrecks, issued 95 traffic citations and made 16 arrests on the following charges: (4) public intoxications, a DUI, a shoplifting, a possession of drug paraphernalia, an one headlight with DUI, a careless driving with DUI, a speeding with DUI, a public intoxication with possession of fake ID, a speeding with possession of drug paraphernalia, a careless driving with no tag and a DUI, a careless driving with a suspended driver’s license and no car insurance but with a DUI, and a driving with no seatbelt, a suspended driver’s license and a warrant served.
University police responded to the following incidents: three vehicle stops, a service call for an ambulance in Fraternity Alley, a public drunk at Kappa Sigma house, a intoxicated person in Fraternity Alley, a possession of alcohol by minor at Sigma Chi house, a simple assault with bodily injury on Poole Drive, a suspicious vehicle on Chucky Mullins Drive, a vandalism to vehicle at Khayat Law School, a petit larceny at Turner Center, an assault off-campus, a suspicious vehicle report with discovery of a possession of drug paraphernalia and a public drunk at Tad Smith Coliseum, an intoxicated person at Old Athletics building, a suspicious vehicle at Starnes Training Center, loud noises and music at Brevard Hall, an accidental hit and run at Northgate Lot, a public drunk at Khayat Law School, a possession of drug paraphernalia and a public drunk at Residential College, and an intoxicated person at Stockard Hall.
Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls: a cancelled call at Oxford Health and Rehab, a smoke detector activated by shower steam at The Village Building 108 apt. 5, a prank pull of a fire alarm at Alpha Tau Omega house, a smoke detector activated by workers painting at Natural Products, fire alarm pull station activated by an accidental bump by the security guard at Beta Theta Pi house, an exit door alarm at JC Penny, eight people stuck in an elevator for over an hour at Martin Hall, a general fire alarm malfunction at Oxford Bariatic and a carbon monoxide detector malfunction at The Village Building 108, apt. 9.
All photographs and lists in Oxford Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by a court of law.