Newlyweds Guide of What to do after the Honeymoon


Feeling overwhelmed with everything you need to do now that the ceremony is over and you are back from the honeymoon? With this easy guide of what to do, you’ll sail right on in to newlywed bliss.

The number one thing most brides don’t think to do is cleaning, preserving and storing their gowns. Make sure to use someone that specializes in wedding dresses so you know they use the right solvents. The reasoning behind preserving your gown is to ensure its beauty. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. This is probably the most expensive clothing item you have ever bought. You deserve the rights to ask questions and make sure every stain is out and every bead stays in place.

5eba07f2de4ce1b3177ee374b80dabadThis is an exciting one, changing your name.  First things first, get a new driver’s license. Most DMVs will require you to have your marriage license and previous ID; some will require another form of ID. Then you will want to change your social security card.  Many cities have their own social security office where you can do this in person, but check out to see how. You will also need your driver’s license and marriage license for this. Go to your bank and your husband’s bank; change your name on your personal account and add one another to each account. Work out all legalities and start budgeting your finances. Finally, call all credit cards and get them to change your name. Easy, right?

Have you sent out all thank you cards? Considering you probably received several gifts on your wedding day, probably not. Get those thank you cards and knock them out. Tag team with your husband; while you write “Thank you so much for the bubble glass bowl. We will definitely get lots of use out of this,” have your husband writing their address on the envelope. It gets things moving much quicker.

Get in contact with your photographer and videographer and finalize photos and videos you want. Make sure you have your mother and mother-in-law pick their photos out as well. Tackle the photographer together without overwhelming her and get your order in. The quicker you do so, the quicker your house can have those pretty wedding canvas’s everywhere.

Hopefully these tips help you out in starting your new lives together stress-free.

Brittany Bugg is a staff writer for and can be reached at