Dozens of Past Alumni Association Presidents ‘Disappointed’ with IHL Decision

Photo courtesy UM Communications
Photo courtesy UM Communications

Twenty-seven past presidents of the Ole Miss Alumni Association penned a letter to the State Institutions of Higher Learning board of trustees in disapproval of the decision to not renew Chancellor Dan Jones’ contract after Sept. 14, 2015.

Former leaders of the association ranging from 1976 through last year signed the letter, which is as follows:


As Past Presidents of the Ole Miss Alumni Association, we write this letter to express our deepest disappointment and disagreement with your decision not to extend the contract of Chancellor Dan Jones. Our love for Ole Miss is deep and passionate, and we are appalled that Chancellor Jones is not being allowed to continue to lead our University.

Chancellor Jones and his Administration have led Ole Miss to unprecedented success. Record enrollment, higher academics, stronger faculty satisfaction, historically successful athletics and national recognition in so many areas are proof of his immensely effective leadership. This leadership extends to all campuses including UMMC. The vast and overwhelming majority of Ole Miss alumni and supporters are outraged that Chancellor Jones’ contract is not being extended. This decision deprives us of a leader whose tenure has been nothing short of phenomenal.

While we appreciate your dedicated service to the State of Mississippi, we believe that it is a grave error to allow Chancellor Jones’ contract to expire. We respectfully request that you embrace and acknowledge the passionate support being shown by the Ole Miss Family for Chancellor Jones and extend his contract.

We want and need Dan Jones as our Chancellor, and our voice is united and strong. You have already heard the outcry against your untimely decision, and we are adding ours to that groundswell of voices.
Please accept the fervent support Chancellor Jones is receiving from Ole Miss alumni and supporters. He has led us well, and we need him to continue to serve us.

Please hear and respect our voice.


Past Presidents of the Ole Miss Alumni Association

David W. Arnold, 1989-1990
Bryan Barksdale, 1994-1995
David E. Brevard, 1999-2000
James L. Brown, 2013-2014
Raymond L. Brown, 1991-1992
Larry H. Bryan, 2012-2013
Charles C. Clark, 2009-2010
Frank O. Crosthwait, Jr., 1976-1977
L. Stacy Davidson, Jr., 1982-1983
Robert W. Elliott, Sr., 1995-1996
Janet G. Farrington, 1998-1999
Brooke Ferris, 1996-1997
Rose J. Flenorl, 2008-2009
W. Briggs Hopson, Jr., 2001-2003
Chance Laws, 2006-2007
William T. May, 2010-2011
David O. McCormick, 2007-2008
Howard L. McMillan, Jr., 1987-1988
Carole Lynn Meadows, 1993-1994
Paul H. Moore, Sr., 1973-1974
Sherman L. Muths, Jr., 1986-1987
Richard G. Noble, 2011-2012
Mary Sharp Rayner, 2003-2004
William M. Renovich, 2005-2006
Robert E. Seibels III, 2000-2001
Jon C. Turner, 2004-2005
William F. Winter, 1978-1979