A local favorite is returning to Oxford this month — but shhhh, it’s a secret.
Once again, the Secret Show Committee is gearing up for another great night of changing the way we see art galleries. From 7 to 10 p.m. March 20 at an undisclosed location, participants will enjoy art, food, music and libations while becoming a part of the art experience as well as observing it.
The idea for the Secret Show came from local artists.
“It started as part of a discussion around a table on how do you introduce people to new foods, music or art. There was frustration from artists that often, they do not have a way to share with the viewer how the work is created, what the artist was thinking or skills set behind creating,” the committee said. “The discussion covered issues such as public thinking a special knowledge is needed to appreciate art or how viewing a painting which is a solitary task does not open the door to engaging the artists.
“The group arrived at the idea that if you could have an evening that it was interactive. The ‘rules’ of art could be thrown out — you could touch or help create a painting, be part of the band, mix and match foods, or create a new dance that one could enjoy the experience and be willing to explore art in all forms.”
The process to attend is simple: purchase a ticket and pay attention to the clues given out by the committee up until the show date. The day of the event, the location will be revealed and the secrets will start to unravel as the artists and musicians engulf the audience in their craft.
This year, more than two dozen visual artists will be “arting” live and the musical artists were featured in the Fringe Festival — though the committee won’t release the names just yet.
“Additional secrets can be awarded for those who clean out their liquor cabinets and donate new or even opened bottles of weird, bizarre liquors,” the committee said. “You know the ones. That weird chocolate wine you received as a Dirty Santa gift. The half bottle of peach vodka you needed for that one cocktail.”
Though the Secret Show is a bit daunting to some who have never experienced it, the committee encourages newcomers because the entire point of the night is to dive into a new adventure.
“If you don’t know the place or artist you are coming because you want to try something,” the committee said. “The artists hope that if you have this experience once, enjoy the event, that next time you have a chance to attend an art event from a ballet to poetry reading, that spirit of adventure will inspire you to attend and experience is. Adventure is not a word used with the arts very often, so The Secret Show helps to add back the sense of anything is possible in the arts.”
Amelia Camurati is editor of HottyToddy.com and can be reached at amelia.camurati@hottytoddy.com.