Oxford police responded to the following incidents: seven alarms, two disturbances, two welfare concerns, two motorist assists, two frauds, a noise complaint, and a petit larceny.
Oxford police investigated eight wrecks, issued two traffic citations and made four arrests on the following charges: a failure to yield with a DUI; an auto-accident with a DUI and no car insurance; a speeding with a minor in possession of alcohol and a fake ID; and a domestic violence.
University police responded to the following incidents:a suspicious vehicle at Chi Omega house, a service call for an ambulance at Crosby Hall, a motor vehicle accident at Stewart Hall, a service call for a motorist assist at Stewart Hall, a motor vehicle accident on Old Taylor Road, an intoxicated person at Pittman Hall, a motor vehicle accident at Tad Smith Coliseum, a moving violation per running a stop sign with possession of drug paraphernalia at University Place.
Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls: a carbon dioxide malfunction in the kitchen at South Residential College, a smoke detector activated by cooking at 120 Oxford Creek, a report of a roll over wreck that was cancelled since no rescue was necessary at Highway 6 West, and a smoke detector malfunction at Hefley 210.
All photographs and lists in Oxford Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by a court of law.