Oxford Crime Report: Monday, February 16


Oxford police responded to the following incidents: eight suspicious activities, four alarms, two motorist assists, two animal complaints, two disturbances, two improper parking, harassing phone calls, an ambulance assist, a noise complaint, a fire department assist, and a shoplifting.

Oxford police investigated four wrecks, issued 23 traffic citations and made six arrests on the following charges: (3) shoplifting; careless driving with DUI; careless driving with suspended driver’s license and failure to comply; and a possession of drug paraphernalia.

University police responded to the following incidents: a speeding with a suspended driver’s license on Manning Way, a service call for an ambulance at Union, and a vehicle damaged at University Place.

Oxford Fire Department responded to the following incidents over the President’s Day weekend: people stuck in an elevator at Baptist Memorial Hospital; a smell of smoke with no discoveries at University Math & Science building at 111 W. Jackson Avenue; a smell of smoke caused by a bathroom light at 4319 Mockingbird; a burglar alarm mistaken as fire alarm at 157 Rosemont Loop; an air handling unit duct detector malfunction at Firehouse Subs; all fire detectors went off in an uninhabited house caused by heavy damage to the hot water heater line at 235 Sivley; a bush fire set by teens at a vacant lot on Price Hill; a downed power line arcing at Campus Walk; a report of smell of gas with no discoveries at 400 Vivian; a heating unit shorted out at UPS; a pull station fire alarm activated at University Trails building 6; burned food at Kappa Alpha Order’s house; a power line arcing due to a sagging tree limb at Oxford Neurology Clinic; and a house fire at 1715 Burney Branch.

All photographs and lists in the Oxford Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com. All persons depicted are innocent of charges until convicted by a court of law.