Board of Aldermen Denies Student Housing Development Request

Two months after the planning commission approved the rezoning of 30 acres off Old Taylor Road for new student housing by a 4-3 vote, the Board of Aldermen denied the request this week by a 4-3 vote of their own.

“We were concerned about it on a number of levels,” said Mayor Pat Patterson. “We sent it back down to them for reconsideration then on Monday night and they turned it down.”

Many citizens were concerned about the possible new development, just north of Faulkner Flats, because of the possible damage that could be done to the Whirlpool Trails. While the Trails are owned by the University, Patterson said the former railroad tracks turned running/biking trails are valuable to Oxford as a whole.

“We think the Trails are an asset to this community and we want them to be preserved as much as possible,” he said.

The rezoning request was submitted by the Strategic Development Company out of Georgia. They will be able to appeal their case in front of the board of Aldermen in the future.

Michael Quirk is a staff reporter and can be reached at