Nailing The Reason: the Appointment that Cannot Be Broken

Pink-and-gold-accent-nails-painted-nail-art-manicureMen all over Oxford and across the country ponder this question: why are women so obsessed with their nails?

FullSizeRender-4Fingernails are an easy way to show off style without having to invest in a new wardrobe or hair style. Women can keep it simple with a neutral manicure or get feisty with glitter polishes and glue-on gems. Nail shops around Oxford were able to help answer why women love to have pretty nails by asking “what keeps women coming back?” and catering to the newest styles, colors and trends every woman wants.

“It’s all about appearance,” Stone Washed Salon employee Sarah Kate Purvis said. “When a woman’s nails are done, she feels more kept and polished.”

Stephanie Skelton of La Rousse Salon and Spa said with a smile on her face, “women feel more feminine and put together with beautiful nails!”

FullSizeRender-3Skelton goes on to explain that even when the economy plunged this did not hurt the nail business. Keeping women feeling beautiful and feminine is excellent job security!

Unanimously the busiest time for manis and pedis is when the sun shines and the flip flops come out, and “Grove weather” is a close second with lots of navy and red fingers and toes.

Gel nails, or shellac, are the latest take over of the nail business, lasting as long as two weeks. Although slightly more expensive, gel nails are much harder to chip, making gel a girl’s best friend!

Nail art is turning more into patterns and geometric shapes, rather than flowers and hearts (although Valentines Day I’m sure persuaded many to put on pink & red with hearts), with women wanting a French manicure with a nontraditional colored line or a few dots across the tip. Pointy nails were a must for the Grammy awards, but here in Oxford, people are sticking to the classic square and rounded nails.

The bottom line is, women want to feel feminine and beautiful and pretty nails are key!

Kate Robison is a staff reporter and can be reached at