Wherever he goes Cody Prewitt has and will always be a Rebel to us. He had teared up during his talk at the Mobile Rebel Club’s barbecue dinner – he was that overcome by kindness by Coach Hugh Freeze and his Rebel family.
The Mobile Rebel Club honored All-American safety Cody Prewitt and unanimous All-American defensive star Senquez Golson before their Senior Bowl game. The club’s president, Walter Brand, presented a framed picture of the very first Ole Miss football team in 1973 to Prewitt and Golson.
After the presentation the two answered questions from the crowd before talking about their love for Ole Miss. Prewitt, overcame by emotion, talked about Coach Freeze and the football team. Here is the video of his tear-jerking speech by the The Rebel Walk
The excerpt from The Rebel Walk said:
“He is overcome with emotion as he talks about Coach Freeze fostering an atmosphere of family that he will never forget.
So for any recruits out there who might be considering Ole Miss, listen to Cody and Senquez. They are not speaking on behalf of the athletic department, the football program or the university. They are not at a publicity function, nor are they reading prepared remarks.
They are simply speaking from their hearts—and it is obvious the University of Mississippi and its football program will be in their hearts forever.”
Could not have said it any better myself. Hotty Toddy!
Also The Rebel Walk has a video of Senquez Golson’s speech which it will release momentarily.
Callie Daniels is a staff reporter for HottyToddy.com. She can be emailed at callie.daniels@hottytoddy.com.