Abner’s Succulent Chicken and that Famous, Mysteriously Delicious Sauce


Oxford Restaurant Week is in full swing and Abner’s owner, Abner White, is geared up and ready for his two Oxford locations to bring customers the best deal possible during the special days ahead, because if there’s one thing that’s for certain; it’s that Oxford loves Abner’s chicken and that delicious, mysterious sauce.

Abner White
Abner White

“We’re offering $3 off the purchase of any meal and drink during Restaurant Week,” White said. “And that’s any meal the customer wants. We’re excited about the event and we want people to come out and support their local restaurants and then be sure to go online and vote for their favorite food charity. Remember, the winner at the end of Restaurant Week gets that $5,000 check.”

And the ingredients of that mysterious Abner’s sauce that’s so divinely delicious:

“That’s absolutely top secret,” White said.

White is an Ole Miss graduate and after graduation stayed around Oxford for 16 years to start Abner’s restaurants. And Oxford is awfully glad he did.

“I own four Abner’s, two here in Oxford that are participating in Restaurant Week,” White said, “and one in Starkville and Tupelo. We’ve been serving our customers for almost 23 years. I started Abner’s in 1993 and this is the original location, 430 South Lamar.”

g1wO0ZTRWVLhRyHis children live in Florida and White said he moved there to be closer to them about ten years ago.

“I’ve spent the better part of the last ten years in Florida, staying close to my kids,” he said. “In September, I moved back to Oxford to be a more active participant in the restaurants.”

Abner’s participated in Oxford Restaurant Week last year and hopes everyone comes out and enjoys the event this year.

“If you haven’t been to Abner’s in a while, we want you to come back,” White said. “We’re focusing on our food being fresh and cooked to order and we’re getting back to our roots and the way things were done when I first started Abner’s in 1993. I moved back because I want to make sure the way we did things early on is the way we’re doing things now. I invite folks to come in and eat with us then go to our website and click on comments and let me know how their experience was because those comments come straight to my inbox and I do read them.”

Angela Rogalski is a HottyToddy.com staff reporter and can be reached at angela.rogalski@hottytoddy.com.