The Ole Miss Athletic department is asking the greater Oxford and University of Mississippi community to help support tornado relief efforts in Columbia, Mississippi, which was devastated by deadly tornados during the holiday season.
The Ole Miss Athletics department is asking for help in filling up a football equipment truck full of food, clothing and household supplies to be driven to Columbia, Mississippi. There will be several opportunities to drop of donations in the coming week. The first will be at the Ole Miss men’s basketball game on Jan. 28 vs. Mississippi State and the second will be on Jan. 31 from 8 a.m. -5 p.m., at Walmart on Jackson Ave.
“Community engagement is a big priority for us and one of the seven core values we live by each and every day,” said Ole Miss Athletics Director, Ross Bjork. “We feel for the people of Columbia and when families and communities in Mississippi suffer a setback, we want to help to the best of our ability. We have asked the Ole Miss family to fill our football equipment trailer with supplies and items of need before and we are asking them to step up once again. A service-minded leadership approach is what we are all about and it is our pleasure to give to the people of Columbia so they can continue to put their community and homes back together.”
Tornado Relief Donation Dates
Wednesday, Jan. 28
Men’s Basketball Game (Tad Smith Coliseum), 8 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 31
Walmart (2530 Jackson Ave West), 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Donation Items
- Chips (variety packs)
- Little Debbie snacks
- Coke, Sprite (in cans)
- Canned fruit, vegetables
- Canned tuna
- Canned chili/ravioli
- Soup
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned macaroni and cheese
- Spaghetti
- Spaghetti sauce
- Rice
- Oatmeal
- Crackers, granola bars
- Bottled water
Household Items
- Bars of soap
- Deodorant
- Shampoo
- Toilet tissue
- Razors
- Washcloths
- Toothbrushes, toothpaste
- Trash bags
- Wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Baby supplies (diapers, wipes, formula)
- Clean-up supplies (Lysol Sprays, Clorox, Pine-Sol, Paper Towels)
- Heavy-duty work gloves
- Flashlights
- Plastic storage containers (medium & large)
Ole Miss Student-Athlete Development Mission The mission of Ole Miss’ Student-Athlete Development program is to challenge student-athletes to be lifelong learners while pursuing continuous improvement academically, relationally, socially, personally, and professionally during and beyond their careers as student-athletes.
Student-Athlete Development is the hub for a wide range of Ole Miss athletics sponsored programs designed to meet the needs of student-athletes and their families. It is divided into six areas: Student-Athlete Assistance Services, Career Development, Continuing Education, Community Outreach, Financial Education and Career Transition.
Visit Student-Athlete Development for more information on Ole Miss’ Student-Athlete Development program.
Courtesy of Ole Miss Athletics