Northwest Mississippi Community College is offering an ACT Preparation Workshop on Monday, Jan. 26 and Tuesday, Jan. 27 from 6 to 9 p.m. Deadline to register for the workshop is Friday, Jan. 22 by noon.
This workshop provides an overview of the ACT format, followed by a review of verbal and mathematics fundamentals for solving typical test questions. Time management and test-taking strategies will also be discussed. Students will need to bring a calculator, notebook and pen or pencil to the workshop.
The workshop will be taught by Marcus Perkins and Beth Leishman for a fee of $105 with the textbook included. It will be held in the Math and Science Building in Room 308 on the Senatobia campus.
Those interested may print out a registration form from the Northwest website. Mail it, along with payment, to the address on the form.
For more information, contact Pam Wooten, coordinator of Continuing Education, at (662) 562-3349 or e-mail pwooten@northwestms.edu.