Oxford is in a consistent state of growth since the University of Mississippi’s population began to steadily increase about a decade ago, and a new shopping center on Jackson Avenue is beginning to take shape with a coming soon sign nearby.
Dick’s Sporting Goods placed their coming soon sign near the spot of their new 35,000-square-foot store in Galleria II this week, and developer John Trezevant said many more are right behind.
“We’ve got about half the leases signed and we’ve got another 25 percent we’re working on,” Trezevant said. “They’re excited about getting to town.”
Construction on the site will begin in March and buildings will begin appearing over the summer for a fall of 2015 opening.
Along with Dick’s Sporting Goods, three department stores have signed leases for space in Galleria II for a combined 82,000-square-feet of claimed land in the 280,000-square-foot space.
Amelia Camurati is editor-in-chief of HottyToddy.com and can be reached at amelia.camurati@hottytoddy.com.