Celebrate Giving Tuesday in Oxford with Donations to Needy
We have given thanks last Thursday (and then some more last Saturday!) but the holiday festivities have not yet ended. We still have another month to spread the holiday cheer where it is needed most. The United Way of Oxford and Lafayette Co., Volunteer Oxford and the Retired and Senior Volunteers Program have the 2014 Wish List for Oxonians to help people in need right here in the town’s heart. The wishlist has many opportunities for both business and individual to be charitable.
Boys & Girls Club – Michelle Bolden: mbolden@bgcnms.org, 662-832-0602
The Boys & Girls Club is in need of a copier machine, paper cutting board, a two-shelf utility cart, arts & craft supplies, billiards/pool stick sets, 6’ or larger folding tables, folding chairs, new board games, colored paper rolls, colored boarder and letters for bulletin boards, and a commercial cookware set.
Canterbury Crest – Donna Bratcher: dbratcher@uchinc.org, 662-234-4982
Canterbury Crest is in need of gloves for winter, soups of any variety, slip-resistant floor mats for walkway, adult board games, cards, dominoes, Depends in a variety of sizes, canes, and walkers.
Doors of Hope – Sherry Williams: doorsofhope@bellsouth.net, 662-234-1100
Doors of Hope is in need of $10 gift cards from grocery stores, large plastic/rubber storage bins with lids, printer paper, printer cartridge for a Canon PG 40, mattress covers for twin beds, gift certificates for haircuts, and bus tokens.
The Epilepsy Foundation of Mississippi – Tres Townsend: ttownsend@epilepsy-ms.org, 601-936-5222
The Epilepsy Found of Mississippi is in need of stamps, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, copy paper, notepads, hand sanitizer, bottled water, pens and pencils, paper clips, staples, and 3 ring binders.
Food Pantry – Ann O’Dell: oxfordfoodpantry@yahoo.com, 662-832-8001
The Pantry is in need of food that is low in fat, sodium and sugar. For canned items, 14-15 oz. is the best size. Some suggested foods include: fresh fruits & vegetables, cereals such as Shredded Wheat, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Cheerios, Corn Chex, oatmeal, grits, whole grain bread, lite canned fruit, low sodium & fat free chicken & beef broth, low fat soups, sugar free gelatin desserts, whole grain pasta, low sodium canned vegetables, low sodium canned chicken or tuna, peanut butter, corn meal, and self-rising flour.
Horizons – Emma Tkachuck: etkachuc@olemiss.edu, 662-915-2713
Horizons is in need of books for children ages 5-10, magnetic alphabet letter sets, math & nutrition games, spiral notebooks, puzzles, arts & craft supplies, digital cameras, board games, swim goggles, swim caps, sidewalk chalk, yoga mats, Clorox wipes, pencils, highlighters, sunscreen, bug spray, poster board, chart paper, and reusable – dishwasher safe water bottles.
Lafayette County Literacy Council – Meridith Wulff, lafayetteliteracy@gmail.com, 662-234-4234
The Literacy Council is in need of a subscription to News for You (an easy-to-read newspaper that helps adult learners build reading skills), set of 25 new kindergarten-level picture books, packs of pens and pencils, heavy duty paper cutter/trimmer, card stock paper, dry erase markers, copy paper, legal pads, bottled waters and food, printer cartridges ( HP951, HP951XL, HP950, HP950XL), and graphic design services.
More Than a Meal – Daniel Howie: dshowiemaster@gmail.com, 662-801-4712
More Than a Meal is in need of the following items: new winter coats for children, full size body wash, paper towels, toilet paper, 1’ 3 ring binders, markers, mechanical pencils, pens, notebook paper, and pencil sharpeners.
Oxford Medical Ministries Clinic – Marlene Bishop: marlenebishop@bellsouth.net, 662-234-1374
Oxford Medical Ministries Clinic is in need of 4 otoscopes for exam rooms, copy paper, soap, shampoo, deodorant, lotion, hand sanitizer, bandaids, books, and cash donations to purchase prescriptions for patients.
Salvation Army – Lisa Coleman: lisa_coleman@uss.salvationarmy.org, 662-236-2260
Salvation Army is in need of blankets, coats, gloves, hats and scarves.
Yoknapatawpha Arts Council – Wayne Andrews: yacdirector@gmail.com, 662-236-6429
The YAC is in need of a 10ft. A Frame Ladder, colored pencils, markers, glue sticks, card stock, and colored paper.
HottyToddy.com staff report