Voters in seven Northeast Mississippi counties will elect a new Circuit Judge in an important runoff election today.
The choice is between Kelly Luther, an experienced attorney, prosecutor and judge, and Shirley C. Byers, an attorney and former Washington County judge who was previously reprimanded by the Mississippi Supreme Court for abuse of contempt powers and wrongfully jailing a reporter of the Delta Democrat Times.
Voters in Benton, Calhoun, Chickasaw, Lafayette, Marshall, Tippah and Union Counties vote in the runoff election Tuesday.
In an e-mail to friends and constituents, Oxford Alderman Jay Hughes voiced his support for Kelly Luther.
“I have known and respected Kelly for 19 years, and he has been assistant district attorney for this entire time,” Hughes wrote. “He is a prosecutor, and he has sent many a bad guy (and some bad girls, too) to jail. But, he has always been fair. If you haven’t seen the articles about his opponent in next Tuesday’s run-off, I urge you to Google ‘Shirley Byers’ and review her disciplinary actions for judicial misconduct.
“We need an honorable judge to serve with our other well-respected judges. I believe Kelly Luther is that man, and recommend him, without equivocation.”
Judge Luther, who lives near Shady Grove in Tippah County, graduated from the Ole Miss Law School in 1989. He has two children, a son Levi and daughter Lydia, who are both in college. A former city judge, Judge Luther described himself as “just a common man who comes from humble beginnings who tries to stay that way.”
“As a prosecutor for over 20 years, I have had the opportunity to work with and observe a long line of outstanding judges in our district,” Luther said. “Two decades in the courts working with men like Judge Henry Lackey, Judge Ken Coleman, Judge Andy Horworth, Judge Bobby Elliot and Judge Andrew Gregory been sort of an apprenticeship for me. I think I know what it takes to be a good judge, how to run a good court and treat all people fairly.”
“I am comfortable talking with a factory worker about his job, hunting and fishing, and with law professors and judges.”
“As Circuit Judge, I will apply a common man’s, common sense, approach to the law that is fair to all,” he added.
Oxford attorney Tom Freeland has worked with Luther in the past and also added his support for Luther.
“Kelly Luther has been a fair-minded and effective prosecutor, a combination that is an excellent one for a circuit judge. He has years of experience in the entire district from that work, and has the overwhelming support of the lawyers in your community. I am supporting him for election as circuit judge.”
Imogene M. Hardon is a 91 year old Tippah County resident who placed the following as a paid ad in the local newspaper. Ms. Hardon’s husband was killed by an intruder and she was shot in the head but survived. Prosecutor Kelly Luther handled the case and the intruder is behind bars for life.
“I am placing this ad on behalf of Mr. Kelly Luther, candidate for the office of District 1 Circuit Judge and in memory of my husband, Jesse J. Harden, who was murdered Aug. 17, 2001, the saddest day of my life.
“My family and I will never forget Mr. Kelly Luther, Assistant District Attorney, who worked tirelessly with the Tippah County Sheriff, District attorney, and countless other local and State law officers in solving this murder,” Hardon wrote in the signed advertisement.
“I am thankful to Mr. Luther for everything he did in the arrest, successfully prosecuting and conviction of the guilty person, bringing closure to our family.
“Mr. Luther is a fine Christian who stands for right and justice for all. He is qualified and experienced in the law, and will be understanding and impartial in his decisions.
“I encourage everyone to vote on Nov. 25 and elect Kelly Luther, District 1 Circuit Judge.” staff report