Oxford police responded to the following incidents: eight suspicious activities, five welfare concerns, four petit larcenies, two alarms, two improper parking, two disturbances, two noise complaints, an ambulance assist, an animal assist, a malicious mischief, and a shoplifting.
Oxford police investigated 13 wrecks, issues 22 traffic citations, and made four arrests on the following charges: (2) warrants served, a speeding with DUI, and a suspended drivers license.
Oxford police discovered no code enforcement violations.
University police reports are offline today.
Oxford Fire Dept. responded to the following call: an air-handling unit duct detector malfunction at Khayat Law School.
All photographs and listings in Oxford Daily Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by a court of law.