Sights and Impressions of the Fans, Rebels 24-Tigers 3

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Coach Hugh Freeze leads the Rebels onto the field. All photos by Andy Knef

Sometimes, as a photographer, I like to capture my overall impressions of an amazing event like Saturday’s football game.
The nostalgia and fellowship in the grove, the drama and pageantry on the field at Vaught-Hemingway and the family pride in the stands.It’s all there to see if you take a closer look and that’s what I hope to do with these images. Give you a closer look at what one football fan, sitting in the stands around the 50 yard line, noticed by just craning his neck and opening his camera lens. Enjoy:
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The stands were a sea of Rebel red.

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Quinn Jenkins’ family has a home in Oxford but they live most of the year in Brentwood, Tenn.

There was a narrow stream of blue amid the Rebel red sea.

And the beautiful sunset took the fans’ minds off the game just for an instant.

These two young fans were not always sure of the outcome.

But these girls knew a little Land Shark action would get the Rebels rolling.

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A kickoff after a touchdown is always a good thing.

What was that call, Ref?

Even this baby was all in for the Rebels.

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The Powder Blue helmets were nostalgic and looked sharp.

And a sliver of the moon seemed to hang just above the stadium.

When the fan makes a successful field goal for the second week in a row, Rebel fortune is on the rise.

A meeting broke out at a football game.

But this little one is more interested in looking at me.

Rebels score and fans high-five.

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And the Band played on … for another Rebel victory and an appointment with destiny next weekend.

Andy Knef is editor of You can contact Andy about this story at