Oxford Police responded to the following incidents: six disturbances, three suspicious activities, three malicious mischief, three improper parking, three alarms, two recovered properties, two harassing phone calls, two utility dept. assists, two emergency medical service (EMS) assists, a lost property, a noise complaint, a petit larceny, a shoplifting, a motorist assist, a harassment, and abusive calls to 911.
Oxford Police investigated eight wrecks, issued 18 citations and made five arrests on the following charges: a public intoxication, a possession of alcohol on city streets, a careless driver with suspended drivers license and a warrant was served, and two misdemeanor shopliftings.
Oxford Police discovered no code enforcement violations.
University Police responded to the following incidents: a motor vehicle accident at Women Terrance Upper Lot, a petit larceny at Ridge North Building, a vandalism at University Police Department, and a motor vehicle accident at Jackson Avenue center.
The Oxford Fire Dept. responded to no calls yesterday.
All photographs and listings in the Daily Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent of charges until convicted by a court of law.