Editor’s Note: So, I’m a transplant to Oxford. Sarah Beth Wiley, who put this report together, grew up here but spent most of her adult life in Boston. We started talking about the things you notice in Oxford that you might not expect to find here. In some ways, this great town has the vibe and flavor of a cosmopolitan oasis from what one (maybe stereotypically) expects to find in the rest of what is mainly a rural, Southern state. See if you agree and let us know about the things you find here that blow you away!
All you need is a poster, flyer or sticker promoting your business, and you’re in business. You can find many bulletin boards around the square where you can post your ads.
ELECTRIC CAR CHARGER Its the wave of the future, and Oxford won’t be left behind. We’re not sure how many electric cars there are in town, but the new parking lot between Jackson and Jefferson is ready to accommodate.
If you live in the city limits, you can call to request bins and have your recycling picked up curbside. If not, this is a great option. Located on Molly Barr Road, its easy to drive in and unload into the large bins available for cardboard, mixed paper, aluminum and plastic.
You can’t catch any commercial flights out of this airport, yet. But if you’ve never taken a drive out College Hill Road, you might not know its there. Until you see planes coming in on game days!
You might not know, but Oxford has a secret display of graffiti. We are not at liberty to tell you actual locations (see video), but there is one amazing piece you might have seen on the back of the Lyric. And several years ago, there was even a spotting of ‘OBEY Andre the Giant Has a Posse’ on the Square. If you don’t know what that is, look it up.
Here’s a video on the phenomenon from former Ole Miss homecoming queen and NewsWatch director Maggie Day.