Crackdown on Code Enforcement in Oxford Neighborhoods
At the Oxford board of aldermen meeting Tuesday, Mayor Pat Patterson’s report focused on code enforcement violations and what Oxford police officers are doing to enforce the codes.
“The mayor and board have been inundated with complaints, many of them even valid, about what neighbors are doing on adjoining properties that violates local ordinances and may negatively impact the character of our neighborhoods,” Ward 1 alderman Jay Hughes said in a statement after the meeting. “Simply put, the code enforcement officer has been driving around and educating the public. Now, the police have been charged with strictly enforcing the most basic ordinances that affect the character of our neighborhoods.”
Some of the ordinances public officials are focused on are: 1. Being quiet during quiet hours 2. Don’t litter 3. Cutting your grass 4. Parking with right wheels to the curb 5. Garbage cans must be picked up within 24 hours of garbage truck passing
— HottyToddy.com staff report