New 3-way Stop Going in at Anderson and Anchorage Roads

A new 3-way stop will be placed at the intersection of Anchorage and Anderson roads Tuesday.

Oxford city crews will install new stop signs on Anderson Road on Tuesday, Sept. 2, to convert the existing intersection at Anderson and Anchorage roads into a 3-way stop.
According to the Public Works Department’s Assistant City Engineer Reanna Mayoral, “Because of the increased development on Anchorage Road, the volume of cars traveling each day has grown to the point that a 3-way stop is now warranted.”
Mayoral adds it may take time for users to become accustomed to stopping on Anderson Road, and motorists are encouraged to be cautious and to remember basic driver’s education rules: Be certain that all approaching vehicles are going to stop before entering the intersection. Don’t assume an approaching car is going to stop.
Any questions should be directed to the Public Works Department at (662) 232-2306 or email Mayoral at