An Eventful Saturday in Oxford Ahead

With the students back in town, local schools in session, and visitors galore, Oxford is hosting a hoard of events this Saturday. So, don’t sit home, be sure to get involved in the community events happening across town all day!
Midtown Farmers’ Market 
Each Saturday, the Midtown Farmers’ Market is open between 7 and 11 a.m. Stop by to purchase produce from local vendors and enjoy music by The Blues Doctors.
Color Invasion 5K Run/Walk
The Color Run 5K starts at 8 a.m. at the Midtown Shopping Center. The cost is $40 for adults and $20 for children. All proceeds benefits go to the Mississippi Alzheimer’s Association.
Be sure to register online at or Click Here to download a registration form that can be mailed or delivered to Providence Companion Care, located at 317 Heritage Drive, Suite 7-A.
Day-of registration will start at 7 a.m. on Saturday, August 23 in the Midtown Shopping Center.
More information about Oxford’s Color Invasion, including a course map, can be found on Facebook at
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Baptist Memorial Hospital-North Mississippi’s Back-to-School Health Fair
The annual Back-to-School Health Fair is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Oxford Conference Center. Children will learn about fire and forest fire safety, crime and drug prevention, bike safety and be able to tour an ambulance, fire truck and the Hospital Wing helicopter. Vendors will provide door prizes, arts and crafts projects, and safety, health and nutritional information. Special guests will be Ole Miss Rebel Bear, Stan the Bear, Smokey the Bear, and a magician performing magic shows. New to this year’s event is parenting and child literacy workshops sponsored by the LOU Excel by 5 Coalition.
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Licks for Literacy at Holli’s Sweet Tooth
Licks for Literacy is all day Saturday, August 23, at Holli’s Sweet Tooth. A portion of the day’s ice cream purchases will benefit the Lafayette County Literacy Council’s programs for children, including the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, Young Authors Fair and Reading Rockets. For more information, visit
Ole Miss Rebels Pep Rally Hosted by Chick-Fil-A
Chick-Fil-A on W Jackson Ave. is hosting a Pep Rally on Saturday, August 23 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. as the football team heads to Atlanta for the Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Game against Boise State on Thursday, August 28!
In addition to the usual Chick-Fil-A fare, the Ole Miss cheerleaders, Rebelettes and band will be on hand! There will even be a special message from Athletic Director Ross Bjork too!
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Theatre Oxford presents Harvey at the Powerhouse Community Aet
According to the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Harvey is “one of the most beloved plays, made famous with the 1950 movie starring Jimmy Stewart. Due to his insistence that he has an invisible six-foot rabbit for a best friend, a whimsical middle-aged man is thought by his family to be insane – but he may be wiser than anyone knows.”
Thursday – Saturday, August 20-23: Show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $10 for YAC members and $15 for non-members.
Sunday, August 24: Show starts at 2:00 pm. Tickets cost $10 for YAC members and $15 for non-members.