Beware of Pickpockets and Loose Women at Phillips Grocery

The sign on the front porch asked us to heed this warning, but we took our chances –lunch with my Mom, Bobbye Wiley, brought us to an old favorite today, Phillips Grocery.
It just feels comfortable in every way. Since we are in the last throes of Summer, I got the BLT to enjoy the sweet tomatoes before they are gone. And maybe I just haven’t been there in a while, but I did not know about the new back patio. Seems like the perfect place to hang with a big group of friends as Fall takes its hold and we are less dependent on AC.
I didn’t have time (or room) for desert, but I love seeing the slices of cake going round and round in the revolving case. It just makes you feel better to know its there, with all the nostalgia that the place is known and loved for.
All photos by Sarah Beth Wiley Smith

BLT & onion rings
BLT & onion rings.

Ole Miss memorabilia and old time decorations line the walls
Ole Miss memorabilia and old time decorations line the walls

Poppy's Patio
Poppy’s Patio

photo 1
Elvis is Everywhere, Elvis is Everywhere, …

... I see a little bit of Elvis in each and every one of you out there. - Mojo Nixon
… I see a little bit of Elvis in each and every one of you out there. – Mojo Nixon

Cake on display.

A great front porch is a place to see familiar faces
A great front porch is a place to see familiar faces.

Sarah Beth Wiley Smith is creative director for You can contact Sarah Beth about this story at  SBWiley@