If you’re new to Ole Miss and Oxford this fall, there is one REALLY important thing you need to know. Yes, learning to navigate the Square, knowing where the best Chicken-on-a-Stick is sold, and visiting the Doorknob to the Universe for the first time are all very important, but you’ll never survive in this town if you don’t know the Hotty Toddy.
Hotty Toddy is synonymous with Ole Miss and Oxford. Rebel fans shout it any chance they get; it’s one of the strongest SEC traditions to date.
But, how did the Hotty Toddy get it’s start?
Unfortunately, there’s no definitive answer to question. The mystery is part of what makes the Hotty Toddy so great.
According to HottyToddy.com contributor Seph Anderson, here’s what we know about the origins and history of the Hotty Toddy:
Among some of the more popular ‘suggestions’ of origin floating around are that it was developed after the Virginia Tech Regimental Band called The Highty Tighties, derived from a cheer used throughout World War II, associated with the description of a warm alcoholic drink or a term that referred to the perceived sentiment of the Ole Miss student body.
To many Rebel fans, the possible Virginia Tech connection may be a surprising one. While The Highty Tighties didn’t officially receive their name until 1919, the regimental band actually dates back to 1892.
The Virgina Tech Regimental Band website states:
By 1919, the Regimental Band began to be known as the Highty-Tighties. The origin of the name has been hotly debated for years — some claimed it was part of a cheer, others claimed it sprang from a trip to Richmond where the Corps and Band marched in honor of Field Marshal Foch, the supreme allied commander of WWI. Supposedly the drum major had dropped and then recovered his baton while rendering a salute in front of the reviewing stand and someone in the crowd yelled ‘hoity-toity’. Southwest Virginia slang had supposedly turned this into Highty-Tighty.
As an official Ole Miss reference, the first documented evidence of the phrase (then written as “Heighty! Tighty!”) appeared in a November 19, 1926 copy of the student newspaper, The Mississippian.
In the newspaper that day, the following words appeared:
Heighty! Tighty!
Gosh A Mighty!
Who in the hell are we?
Rim! Ram! Flim! Flam!
Ole Miss, by Damn
Ever since the first print appearance in 1926, the Ole Miss cheer has just been passed down from generation to generation of Rebels fans. Today, only the spelling is different than it was in 1926.
Most importantly, it’s the answer to “Are You Ready?”
What’s It Mean Anyways?
Outside of being part of the answer to the question ‘Are You Ready?’, Hotty Toddy is also a way one Ole Miss fan greets another. It’s no different than an Alabama fan saying “Roll Tide” or a Texas A&M fan shouting “Gig’ em Aggies.”
ESPN’s Doug Ward wrote, “‘Hotty Toddy’ has no real meaning, but it means everything in Oxford. For students, fans and alumni, it is a greeting, cheer and secret handshake all rolled into one. ‘Hotty Toddy’ is the spirit of Ole Miss.” He’s spot on, as the cheer embodies the spirit of the school.
While it’s commonplace to hear “Hotty Toddy” in the Grove and at Ole Miss games, what’s special to Rebel fans is how much further the saying extends past athletics.
It only takes seeing an Ole Miss logo or design on a shirt, hat, etc., for a fellow Rebel to proudly say, “Hotty Toddy.” In return, the other person proclaims a warm “Hotty Toddy.”
Some of the random places I’ve received an unsolicited “Hotty Toddy” include Walt Disney World, Augusta National at the Masters, New York City, the Las Vegas Strip, and even a Target in Auburn, Ala. of all places.
From “Roll Tide” to “War Eagle” to “Hotty Toddy,” it’s the seemingly small things that come together as a whole to make the SEC such a tradition-rich conference.
“Hotty Toddy” Recognized Across America
While Rebel fans incorporate the saying into everything from sporting events to weddings and funerals, it’s become synonymous with Ole Miss among the national media.
If you really want to hear the answer to “Are You Ready?” in its full glory, be in the stands at Vaught-Hemingway Stadium in Oxford five minutes before kickoff.
Every home game, immediately before kickoff, a truly “secret” celebrity guest appears on the jumbotron to hype up the crowd and ask, “Are You Ready?”
VIDEO: James Franco does the Hotty Toddy (Egg Bowl 2012)
VIDEO: Betty White does the Hotty Toddy (2013)
Just hear it from the stands once, and you’ll know the words forever.
Hotty Toddy!