As we prepare to celebrate our nations birthday on the Fourth of July on Friday, safety should be top-of-mind.
Fireworks are an Oxford tradition and they’re readily at roadside stands around the area. Here’s a few helpful tips the staff has put together with the help of a few experts (Fireworks Safety Tips: our own experience and a dash of good old common sense.
- The best way to enjoy fireworks is to visit public fireworks displays put on by professionals.
- If you plan to use fireworks, make sure they are legal in your area. Without getting into too much detail, as a general rule they’re legal in Lafayette County but not in the City of Oxford
- Never light fireworks indoors or near dry grass.
- Always have a bucket of water and/or a fire extinguisher nearby. Know how to operate the fire extinguisher properly.
- Do not wear loose clothing while using fireworks.
- Stand several feet away from lit fireworks.
- If a device fails to go off, don’t stand over it to investigate it. Put it out with water and dispose of it.
- Always read the directions and warning labels on fireworks. If it is not marked with the contents, directions and a warning label, do not light it.
- Supervise children around fireworks at all times.
Here’ a few bonus tips that don’t have to do with things that go BANG:
• Stay hydrated this weekend as you enjoy the outdoors, grilling and other hot-weather activities. Beer and Basil Hayden’s don’t count.
• Be aware if you’re swimming at the pool, ocean or lake. A drowning can absolutely spoil your holiday weekend.
* Stay very alert while making those big holiday meals in the kitchen or on the grill. Click here for more information proper food preparation.
• Please watch you alcohol consumption and never drive when you’ve been drinking. This weekend is one we all look forward to and cherish with our families. A thoughtless act fueled by drinking or getting behind a wheel has the potential to make this a tragic weekend for you, your family and innocent victims. staff report.