Technical Education Division at NWCC Highly Graded

Information Systems Technology students at NWCC learn computer networking.

Northwest Mississippi Community College’s Career -Technical Education Division recently received its Mississippi Career Planning and Assessment System, Edition 2 (MS-CPAS2) test results from the Mississippi Assessment Center and several of the college’s programs ranked high in the state. 
The MS-CPAS2 is the test given to secondary and postsecondary Career-Technical Education (CTE) completers, and the results are used to measure technical-skill attainment, which is one of the core indicators of performance required for federal reporting. The MS-CPAS2 fulfills the technical attainment portion of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act. CTE programs that do not have a recognized licensure or certification take the MS-CPAS2 to comply with the federal act.
Northwest ranked first in the state in their Agricultural Technology; Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology; and Information Systems Technology programs. Programs ranking second in the state were Civil Engineering Technology and Microcomputer Technology and programs ranking third were Welding and Cutting and Graphic Design Technology.
“As the training provider for northwest Mississippi, it is important that our Career and Technical programs graduate well-trained employees for area industry.  The CPAS exam and national certifications are measures of the quality of our programs.  I am extremely proud of the CPAS results for the past year and hope that the CPAS scores will continue to reflect our continual improvement of our programs, said David Campbell, district dean of career, technical and workforce education.
For more information on Northwest’s Career -Technical programs, contact the Career- Technical office at 662-562-3361 or visit
Courtesy NWCC communications.