Oxford Picked Top Place to Retire By Kiplinger's Magazine

SOXFORD CHA14062617101The cover story in the August Kiplinger’s Magazine features Oxford as the top spot in America to retire.
The magazine says our Top 10 towns “offer intellectual sizzle, cultural spice and plenty of team spirit.”
The piece, written by Sandra Block, points out the many advantages Oxford has to offer, including good health care, affordable housing, great cultural attractions and a thriving, dynamic university. Some of the other town on the list are Ann Arbor, Mich. and Asheville, N.C.
The cover story starts this way: “Remember when you went off to college for the first time. You were excited, eager for challenges and psyched to try something new. Retire to a college town and you can re-create that horizon-broadening experience and sense of adventure.
In these 10, including our top choice, Oxford, Miss., the university generates intellectual and cultural sizzle for local residents and opens the door for retirees.”
The section on oxford says, “Here’s Oxford in three words — football, Faulkner and food.”
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