The Oxford School District’s athletic program produces high-performing results in every area of school athletics each season, and their athletic supporters are now on a mission to help them step up their game.
The Oxford Chargers Athletic Booster Club is spearheading a one million dollar campaign, the Multipurpose Turf Campaign, to bring the latest generation of synthetic turf to the school district’s athletic facilities. According to the athletic support group, synthetic turf is the smart solution that will benefit all Oxford students for years to come.
“We want to provide all of our students with the safest and best surface to enhance our programs,” said Mike McGee, president of the Oxford Chargers Athletic Booster Club. “The synthetic turf will increase functionality and enhance Oxford’s athletic and school facilities.”
Campaign plans include placing synthetic turf on the Bobby Holcomb field at the stadium, the baseball/softball indoor practice complex, Bramlett Elementary School’s courtyard area, and the new multipurpose field on the Oxford High School campus.
“We felt it was time to continue positive changes for the Oxford Chargers athletic program,” said McGee. “These areas can be used extensively for physical education classes, our elementary schools, school wellness programs, youth sports, band activities, not to mention numerous community events. School administrators and coaches will no longer have to protect the field and other areas by limiting their use.”
Oxford Chargers Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Johnny Hill agrees that the synthetic turf fields, which will provide year-round usage potential and reduced maintenance responsibilities, is worth the time and effort required to support it.
“We have an overuse problem on our grass fields now that is hard to avoid because of all the various school activities,” added Coach Hill. “We not only have the high school using the field, but the middle school teams, our youth league teams, our band practices on it, and our P.E. classes use it, too. A grass field is difficult to maintain when it is used more than three to four times a week, not to mention the wear and tear after a rain or compaction issues during the end of the summer.”
Synthetic turf is a smart solution for playing fields and landscape that have become unsafe and unsightly from overuse. An added attractive quality to having synthetic turf on playing and practice fields is the Oxford School District will come out financially ahead by changing to an artificial surface. Currently, it costs the school more than $15,000 plus a year in maintenance costs to attempt to maintain the stadium field.
“These upgrades will enhance our facilities for all of our outdoor sports and provide opportunities for year-round use for many of our schools and numerous students,” said Oxford School District Superintendent Brian Harvey.
Harvey also points out that because of where the synthetic turf will be located and its durability features, all Oxford school students will be able to use it for various school-related purposes and events.
“We are already experiencing excellent support from the community and are extremely excited about this project,” he added.
The synthetic turf of today is designed to simulate the best experience of playing and practicing on the best grass fields. That’s why the Athletic Booster Club is planning to raise enough money to install the synthetic turf fields and school areas in time for the beginning of the 2014 school year.
Several different giving levels are available with options for businesses, organizations or individuals to be a part of the Oxford Chargers Multipurpose Turf Campaign. Business sponsorship opportunities are available including naming-rights for various features of the facilities.
“It’s a worthwhile project that is not taking money away from education and using it for athletic facilities or school grounds, but rather one that benefits all students and our entire community for years to come,” said McGee. “It is truly an investment in our school students’ future.”
The Athletic Booster Club is working with Athletic SurfacesPlus, an athletic project firm, and reaching out to Charger fans and the Oxford community to get involved in the campaign. For more information on the Sponsor Levels and Benefits or Naming-Rights Opportunities, call Johnny Hill at (662) 816-5472 or Hunter Cowan at (901) 494-4455.
Courtesy Oxford School District