Oxford High STAR Students, Teachers Honored For 2013-2014

STAR Teachers (back row left to right) are James Reidy, Chris Baughman, Marni Herrington, Allyson Movitz, Renee Dayan, Dr. Barbara Lowe, and Stefanie Beam. STAR Students (middle row left to right) are  Mark Zhao, Brian Clancy, Joshua Redding, Joelle Young, (front row left to right) Matt Forgette, Connor Goggans, Cindy Torma and Shreya Mathur. Not pictured is STAR Teacher Ann Steele.
STAR Teachers (back row left to right) are James Reidy, Chris Baughman, Marni Herrington, Allyson Movitz, Renee Dayan, Dr. Barbara Lowe, and Stefanie Beam. STAR Students (middle row left to right) are Mark Zhao, Brian Clancy, Joshua Redding, Joelle Young, (front row left to right) Matt Forgette, Connor Goggans, Cindy Torma and Shreya Mathur. Not pictured is STAR Teacher Ann Steele. Photo courtesy OSD.
Eight Oxford High School students have been named as STAR (Student-Teacher Achievement Recognition) Students for the 2013-2014 school year by the Mississippi Economic Council’s (MEC) M.B. Swayze Foundation, sponsor of the STAR program. 

Oxford High School STAR Students are Brian Clancy, Matthew Forgette, Connor Goggins, Shreya Mathur, Joshua Redding, Cynthia Torma, Joelle Young, and Mark Zhao. The Oxford High School students were honored during the annual Education Celebration at the MEC Annual Meeting at the Jackson Convention Complex in downtown Jackson.
According to Oxford school officials, this year Oxford High School had the highest number of STAR Students representing any school district in the state of Mississippi.
As part of the STAR Program each STAR Student is asked to designate a STAR Teacher, the teacher who has made the greatest contribution to the student’s scholastic achievement. STAR Teachers are Chris Baughman, Dr. Barbara Lowe, James Reidy, Allyson Movitz, Stefanie Beam, Anne Steel, Renee Dayan, and Marni Herrington. The STAR Teacher can be one of the STAR Student’s elementary or secondary classroom teachers (active, former or retired).
STAR Students are selected on the basis of academic excellence. Both American College Test (ACT) scores and scholastic averages are compared to determine the school’s STAR Student. MEC and its M.B. Swayze Foundation sponsor the STAR Program to encourage and promote academic achievement among Mississippi’s high school seniors as well as recognize the teacher profession.

For more information on Oxford High School, visit www.oxfordsd.org/OHS.
A Closer Look at OHS STAR Students
Brian Clancy
Brian Clancy is the son of Sally and Thomas Clancy. Brian is a member of the Swim Team, the Math and Science Team, FIRST Robotics Team, Envirothon Team, Science Olympiad, and the Asian Heritage Club. He is active in his church youth group and is an AP Scholar. He plans on majoring in Business in college.
STAR Teacher is Chris Baughman.


Matthew Forgette
Matthew Forgette is the son of Karen and Rick Forgette. Matthew is the Debate Team Co-Captain and has twice been named a National Debate Tournament Qualifier. He is a state finalist Mock Trail Team member and a member of the State Champion Oxford Tennis Team. He is in the National Honor Society and is a National Merit Finalist. Matthew plans on majoring in International Studies and Economics.
STAR Teacher is Dr. Barbara Lowe.


Connor Goggins
Connor Goggins is the son of Patricia Krueger and Paul Goggins. He is a member of the FIRST Robotics Team, the Math and Science Team, Debate Team, Science Olympiad Team, and the Science Team. He has been active with the OHS Theatre and is an AP Scholar with Honor.  Connor plans on majoring in Computer Engineering.
STAR Teacher is James Reidy.
Shreya Mathur
Shreya Mathur is the daughter of Masisha and Dr. Sunil Mathur. Shreya is a member of the Robotics Team, Science Olympiad Team, Math and Science Team, Key Club, Anchor Club, and the National Honor Society. At the 2012 International Science Fair, Shreya placed 4th in Mathematics and 1st Place in American Statistical Association Awards. Shreya plans on studying Biostatistics in college.
STAR Teacher is Allyson Movitz.
Joshua Redding
Joshua Redding is the son of Melinda and Steve Redding. Joshua is a Robotics Team member, and a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Envirothon Team. Joshua is active with the youth group at his church. He is Science Olympiad Co-Captain and President of the German Club. Joshua plans on majoring in Computer Science in college.
STAR Teacher is Stefanie Beam.
Cynthia Torma
Cynthia Torma is the daughter of Eva Bodnar and Tibor Torma. Cynthia is a Poetry Out Loud State Semifinalist, Captain of the OHS Swim Team, and an Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist. She is a National Merit Finalist and an AP Scholar with Distinction. Cynthia plans on majoring in Linguistics and Biochemistry.
STAR Teacher is Anne Steel.
Joelle Young
Joelle Young is the daughter of Shae Wang.  Joelle is Treasurer of the German Club, a member of the Envirothon Team, a National Merit Finalist, and an AP Scholar. She is the Mississippi Music Teachers Association State Piano Competition winner and a state winner in the American Math Competition. Joelle plans on majoring in Molecular Biology and Psychology.
STAR Teacher is Renee Dayan.
Mark Zhao 
Mark Zhao is the son of Mei Wang and Jianping Zhao. Mark is Captain of the Envirothon Team, Co-Captain of the Science Olympiad Team, Captain of the Math and Science Quiz Bowl Team, and a member of the Robotics Team. He is a National Merit Finalist and an AP Scholar with Distinction. Mark plans on majoring in Electrical Engineering in college.
STAR Teacher is Marni Herrington.
What are STAR Student Requirements?

To be eligible for the STAR Student honor, a student may be a regularly enrolled senior or an approved dually enrolled student in an accredited public or private high school and or an accredited post-secondary institution. The student must be completing his or her last year of work and must be eligible to receive a diploma in the current school year. The student must have an ACT score of at least 25 and an overall average of 93 or above in selected subjects in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and first-semester twelfth grades.
Courtesy Oxford School District