Photographer in Residence at UM Presents Jewels in the Delta
These two photos are of women from Al Steele’s book, Jewels in the Delta.
The deputy editor of Southern Living contacted Steele in January and asked if the magazine could use some content for their May 2014 issue. Southern Living also did a condensed portion of the text of her book as an introduction of the magazine article.
Six of the women about whom the book is written will be in a piece in the May issue of Southern Living. Six pages in the magazine are devoted to the article and photos. The work is black and white.
The issue hits newsstands on April 20.
Steele, a Meek School professional in residence, gives a presentation on her book at the Overby Center on Thursday, April 24, at 5 p.m.
–From the Meek School of Journalism
Photo by Al Steele