The Flower Power Show was a mind-blowing 1960s hippie fest, with its odes to peace, love and RC cola and Moon Pies.
The Powerhouse’s interior was ringed with exhibits of abstract designs and displays that paid tribute to yesteryear.
Hundreds of cuttings and plants were decked out with first, second and third-place ribbons, and a healthy crowd milled around the exhibits from the first moments of the flower fest. It was truly a spectacle for the eye. We didn’t have room for pictures of every single exhibit, so the unlucky few who weren’t at this year’s flower show will have two long years of agonizing wait until the next one.
Some displays were more attention-grabbing than others. That was certainly the case with this colorful display.
These three red roses, part of a larger display, were entered in the Age of Aquarius section of the Sing A Song category. These underwater designs had to use plant elements that were submerged artistically.
This arrangement was just one of several that took attendees’ eyes up, up and away, using its angles to direct attention skyward..
The quality of each flower was the detail that made each exhibit so poignant.
Attendees were greeted with a very groovy bus and a few records they may remember or still own.
Attendees were lined up at the door waiting to move along the first section of flower exhibits.
On the other side of the room, exhibits were displayed in the categories “I Have a Dream,” “Make Love Not War,” and “One Small Step for Man.” The RC Cola and Moon Pies might remind some folks of date nights.
In the middle of the room, cuttings were ranked according to their quality. This specimen took No. 1 place.
A little puff of greenery stood out among all the exhibit flowers.
A section was reserved for full container plants, including these vines.
And last but not least, toward the back of the room were several place settings that incorporated plants among the plates and saucers.
Photo Essay by
Gretchen Stone, associate editor. Gretchen can be contacted about this story at