Arts & Entertainment
6 Most Instagram-Worthy Spots on the Square
Spring has finally sprung on the Square making it a picture-perfect place with many Instagram-worthy spots that will surely impress your followers.
Here’s my recommendations:
1. City Grocery
While City Grocery is known for it’s delicious food, the front façade also makes for a delicious Instagram post. Use the Lo-Fi filter to give your photo an artsy touch.
2. Free Puppies outside High Point
On your way out of High Point, don’t forget to stop and notice the free puppies outside. This unique street art is an adorable addition to the Square. Use the Brannan filter to make these puppies come to life.
3. The Telephone Booth
For a moment trick your friends into thinking you’re walking through the streets of London by shooting this special London-style Telephone Booth on the corner of the Square. The Hefe filter will for sure make your mates tap like.
Make the center of the Square the center of attention on everyone’s Instagram feed. No one will object to a photo of this beautiful building. Give it the Kelvin filter and be ready for a unanimous vote in favor of your photo.
They say don’t judge a book by its cover, but the outside of Square Books is definitely an exception. With flowers in bloom nearby, this picture will be worth a thousand words. Use the Rise filter to get a rise out of your followers.
6. The First Presbyterian Church
Be the first to post a picture of The First Presbyterian Church. This beautiful spiritual structure is a great place to snap a picture on Sunday, or any day of the week. The Nashville filter gives this old church a new look.
Now it’s your turn! Instagram YOUR favorite spots on the Square. Use the hashtag: #oxsquarespots and our @HottyToddyNews Instagram account will regram the best ones next week!
Maggie Durnien is a staff writer and Instagram expert. She can be reached via email at