Arts & Entertainment
Oxford's Youth Get Creative for the 3rd Consecutive Year
The Yoknapatawpha Arts Council is hosting the 3rd Annual Student Art Exhibit at the Powerhouse throughout the month of March.
The artists being featured in this show range from pre-school tykes to seniors in high school, each demonstrating a unique style. This art show gives artists of all ages an opportunity to showcase their skills. The turn out this year for entries has been huge, explains Stacy Sanford, a YAC member.
“We had to add extra panels in the middle to accommodate all the entries. This has been our biggest show yet by about double,” Sandford said.
While the deadline for submitting artwork has passed, the exhibit will be open through March 31st, with an artists’ reception on March 25th during Oxford’s monthly art crawl. Some of the artwork is even for sale. ”
We treat this like any other legitimate show. Students love selling their work,” Sanford said.
The Powerhouse is located on at 413 South 14th Street, next to the Newks on University Ave., and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
– Gabriella Welch is a staff writer for and a fan of pre-school art. She can be contacted by emailing