Oxford High Takes First at Mississippi Regional Science Bowl Competition

Oxford High School students Nitin Ankinsetty, Peyton Farmer, Mark Zhao, Connor Goggans, and Shawn Chao are first place winners of the 2014 Mississippi Regional Science Bowl Competition. The high school student team now advances to the National Science Bowl Competition in Washington, D.C., and will compete in late April.

For five Oxford High School (OHS) students, all it took was one shot to claim the first place spot at the Mississippi Regional Science Bowl Competition in Columbus, Mississippi. OHS students Mark Zhao, Connor Goggans, Peyton Farmer, Nitin Ankinsetty, and Shawn Chao earned their right to compete at the National Science Bowl Competition and an all-expense paid trip to the national competition, which will be held April 24 -28, 2014, in Washington, D.C.
OHS Faculty Sponsor Candice Knef, who teaches chemistry and physical science, credits the student team’s “incredibly hard work and preparation prior to the competition, as well as during the competition.”
Twenty-four other high school teams from across the state competed in the quiz competition that included questions on math and science topics.
“The last ten years in a row, Mississippi School for Math and Science (MSMS) has won first place,” said Knef. “Our team won first place in their first year to compete at the high school level. That alone speaks volumes about how much preparation, effort and work these five put into this math and science competition, which is no easy feat.”
The student team is made up of two ninth graders, two eleventh graders and a senior from Oxford High School. An added bonus to the team’s victory is OHS senior Mark Zhao winning a $3,000 scholarship to the Mississippi University for Women (MUW), the largest scholarship dollar amount associated with the Mississippi Regional Science Bowl Competition.
“Out of 100 students, Mark answered the highest number of correct questions at the competition, and that is how he was awarded the MUW monetary scholarship,” said Knef.
For more information on Oxford High School, visit www.oxfordsd.org/OHS.
Courtesy Oxford School District