In the News — I Woke Up In a Body Bag

Walter Williams from Lexington, Miss.

This article appeared in the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail after being covered by WAPT in Jackson, Miss:
A Lexington, Miss. man who woke up in a body bag at a funeral home after being pronounced legally dead in what the coroner described a ‘miracle’.
Walter Williams from Lexington, Miss., was zipped up in a body bag while funeral home workers prepared to embalm him, but instead they soon found him kicking to get out, according to WAPT in Jackson, Miss.
The coroner suspected that Williams’ pacemaker had likely stopped for a brief period and then started up again.
‘He said, “Daddy still here”.’
Paramedics took Williams to hospital where he stabilized, and was said to be ‘happy to be alive’ by family members.
Hester said: ‘I don’t know how long he’s going to be here, but I know he’s back right now and that’s all that matters.’
Here is the news video, courtesy of WAPT.