Isuru Hewamanna Earns The Rank of Eagle Scout
Isuru Hewamanna, a member of Boy Scout Troop 45 in Oxford, was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout in ceremonies at First Presbyterian Church on Sunday. On hand for the Court of Honor were his parents, Upul and Dr. Hewamanna. Issuru, an 8th grader at the Oxford Middle School, is a straight A student who has earned a number of academic awards while being active in many school programs, including the Science Bowl group which recently won the local and regional competition. Isuru is a member of the Order of the Arrow leadership society and earned 81 merit badges, all at the young age of 13.His career plan is to become a bio-medical engineer.
The Man
April 30, 2014 at 12:18 am
Congratulations, Isuru, for serenading us with your greatness and majesty. You’re doing good things.
My Boy
March 23, 2015 at 3:30 pm
My Boy Isuru!!!!!