LB’s Meat Market Going All In For Bringing Fresh Fish To Oxford

By: Tom Freeland,, Blogger
LB’s Meat Market, at 2008 E. University Ave across from Kroger’s (contact info below) is bringing fresh fish– much from the Gulf Coast– to Oxford.  There are a couple of ways to go.  His basic model is that you order a set amount by Wednesday noon, it is delivered by Thursday at 4, and they will vacuum package it in whatever size cuts you ask.  A second method (that I used tonight) is to show up late Thursday and see what they’ve got extra, and buy some of that.  Today, extra was beautiful red snapper filets or similarly attractive Amberjack (If you are reading this Thursday night or Friday, there’s a reasonable chance you can still get some of either).
redfish-1-225x300It’s pricey, and, if you’re doing an order on Wednesday, the minimum quantities are foreboding, although the folks at L&B will work with you– if someone comes in for some of what you want, they may contact you and tell you the minimum is lower.
Note to readers:  Anyone who wants to work with me on some orders here, I’m open.  Send me an email.
They don’t have a printout of the prices and minimum orders yet; you need to read the chalkboard in the shop.  Here’s a photo.  Click on the image and it will enlarge for ease of reading.
redfish-2-225x300I did a recipe that involved the snapper filets on black forbidden rice with some of a winter root vegetable salad from Frank Stitt’s Southern Table cookbook.
I got the black rice at the Farmer’s Market on North Lamar/old Highway 7.  Here’s what I did with it:  Cooked a shallot, finely chopped, in some butter.  Added 2/3 a rib celery and 1 clove of garlic (also finely chopped), cooked a bit.  Added 1/3 cup of the black rice, and cooked it in the butter, stirring occasionally, till it was giving off a good nutty smell.  Added 2/3 cup of chicken stock (someone wanting to steer clear of meat could add veg stock or even water at this point).  Stir, bring to simmer, stir, cover, and cook for a solid hour.
I find that black rice is kind of variable in cooking length needed.  This batch is still a little al dente at this point, but flavor-wise, very good.  Toss with a little butter, salt, pepper, and chopped parsley.
When it’s about done, cook the fish.
redfish-next-to-last-285x300The fish is really simple, which it should be.  If you want to use some other bed for it (such as basmati rice, for instance), that would work, too.  In any event, take a skillet and get it good and hot.  Add a little butter.  Salt, pepper the fish.  When the butter is sizzling, put them in it skin side up.  Cook four-ish minutes.  Turn.   Tilt the skillet occasionally to redistribute the bit of butter, and turn it on the fire to keep the heat even.  Cook another four-ish minutes, till done– the middle should be just edging to opaque.
Put the black rice in the middle of a heated plate and put the filet on it, skin side down.  I spooned some of that winter root vegetable salad on the side, which I had as leftovers from another night.
redfish-last-225x300If there are requests, I will post the root vegetable salad recipe, which is a brilliant one.
You can call LB’s at 662-259-2999 or email them at  Into February, they are open 10-6 Monday-Saturday and 1-6 on Sunday.  In March, weekday and Saturday hours shift to 7 PM.
Read more blog posts by Tom Freeland at his NMissCommentor blog page.