Blaylock's Drugs: An Oxford Blast From the Past

Founded by Nolan Blaylock in 1945, Blaylock’s Drug Store at 160 Courthouse Square anchored that corner of the square for 41 years.
Much Oxford history went on right here. Now the building houses Square Books.
Dianne Blaylock Mills, daughter of Nolan, commented on the picture of the old drug store where customers could enjoy the vintage soda fountain. “I spent a lot of time there,” she recalled. “Of course, to hear my brothers tell it, they spent a whole lot more time there than I did. However, only when I got married did Daddy decide to take out the soda fountain. That was August 1965. He couldn’t do it without me!”
Another Oxford resident, Carrie Roselie Groves, remembers what her main goal was in visiting Blaylock’s. “That’s where my family got our medicine,” she said. “I would stop by after school to check out the new “Tiger Beat” or “16” magazines. A grand day was when I had enough money with me to buy one!”
How about a chocolate ice cream soda after a Saturday matinee at the picture show? Jean Jones Dalton says those were “special fun times.”
John Cofield is a writer and noted Oxford folk historian.