4 Funky Overnight Stays in Clarksdale

Who doesn’t love a trip to the Delta for food, music and fun? Delta Magazine pulled 4 funky places to lay your head after a night on the town.
bohemian1. The Delta Bohemian Guest House
Built by a wealthy landowner in 1917, The Delta Bohemian Guest House once served as the cook’s quarters. With the flavor of a tenant house, but an unexpected decor, this hideaway in Clarksdale neighborhood will make your trip all the more Delta. Visit www.deltabohemianguesthouse.com for more.
fivedime2. The Lofts at the Five & Dime
Six super-spacious modern lofts in the old Woolworth Building offer the old-meets-new Delta experience. Visit www.fiveanddimelofts.com for more.
squeeze3. The Squeeze Box
After a night on the town, duck into these hip and funky digs just steps away from galleries, museums, and good eats. Visit https://www.squeezebox.bz/ for more.
hopson4. The Loft at Hopson
Bunk with five of your friends Delta-style at the proverbial Crossroads on the historic plantation steeped in cotton-picking history (literally). Visit www.hopsonplantation.com for more.