Arts & Entertainment
OHS A Cappella Group Performs ‘Mary Did You Know’
In the spirit of Christmas, students from Oxford High School perform their own a cappella arrangement of “Mary Did You Know”.
The “Oxford Quintet” members met in chorus class and have practiced and performed together every day since their freshman year. They assembled this particular arrangement of “Mary Did You Know” and rehearsed it for two weeks before performing for the school. They received encouragement and recognition from the community and have even been asked to perform for small banquets around town.
“It’s always a great thing when young people get together to sing! They are an admirable self-organized group of students who perform with enthusiasm, interesting and well-crafted tempo changes, and a pleasing tone quality. Vocal percussive sound effects also add interest to their rendition,” stated Dr. Jerry Jordan, former choral director for 21 years at the University of Mississippi.
The “Oxford Quintet” plans to perform again in the spring and will be caroling this Friday with the Oxford High School Chorus directed by Ms.Taylor. The carolers will perform in front of the Municipal Court at 6:30 p.m. on Friday. The Quintets aren’t sure of the future beyond their senior year, in terms of college plans, but they all say that singing will definitely be a part of their future.
– Jenner Jordan is a student in the Meek School of Journalism and New Media and an intern at Contact Jenner at