Social Insight: Who likes John Grisham’s Facebook page?

John Grisham's FB PageIn a world where social media is everywhere, one of Oxford’s most famous authors, John Grisham, is part of the conversation — or at least his publisher is.

Grisham’s new novel, Sycamore Row, was released last month. His Facebook page is full of photos of the new novel and updates to keep his followers in the loop on all things Grisham.

Gloria Howell, an Ole Miss alumnus,  follows the page.

“I have been an avid fan of John Grisham’s work since I was in middle school. I love the mysterious and creative aspects of his books…they’re cliffhangers and somewhat suspenseful, which I enjoy. I like to keep up with what Grisham is doing in terms of the types of books he is working on, when they’re going to be released, etc. I appreciate the FB page of the convenience.”

According to’s annual report, Facebook and LinkedIn are the two most important social networks for those in marketing.  Just under 50% select Facebook as their primary platform.  At least 88% of marketers want to engage their audiences and know the most effective social tactics.

While some love the convenience of a Facebook page for information on a certain subject, some would argue that there is a difference in connectivity between a personal page and one run solely for marketing.

“Someone that manages a Facebook page, I feel like everything they put of is constructed by a table a seven people. Them all thinking that “Yes, this is the perfect thing, let’s put this on this, and not really the person’s thought.  I think that a managed page is very corporate.,” said Ole Miss student Skyler Herring.

Ole Miss public relations instructor, Robin Street, says social media makes it possible to reach out to audience in a new way.

“It does give us more of a direct connection. So, rather an ad in a magazine, this is a way for consumers to talk back. But allowing consumers to communicate directly back to us,” she said.

The Grisham Facebook page seems to be engaging audience.  Each post garners hundreds of comments by fans, some who even start whole conversations with each other through that avenue.  Followers of the page are also given other ways to interact with Grisham himself, through a scheduled calendar of events that includes Facebook Q&As, all of are connected to the recent release of the new novel.

Contributed by journalism students Ashley Mallett and Natalie Moore.