Homegrown Hogs Take the Bacon in Mississippi

The HottyToddy.com staff decided that this was the perfect week to introduce our readers (who don’t already know the legend) to one of our favorite Mississippi characters. Scissors the Pig was crowned World Champion Duroc-Jersey Hog at the National Swine Show in Omaha, Neb. Scissors wasn’t your average pageant porker though. He was named world champion TWICE, in 1917 and 1918. Depending on who you ask, Scissors weighed anywhere from 1,250 to 1,800 pounds. He was so beloved by his owner, Col. Thomas Griffin James, that a special house was built for Scissors on Pine Crest Farm near Charleston, Mississippi. Today, a statue of Scissors remains outside that very house.

Scissors the Pig with his credentials
Scissors the Pig with his credentials
Scissors the Pig offered Charleston's version of an amusement park back in the day.
Scissors the Pig offered Charleston’s version of an amusement park back in the day.
Col. Tom James standing next to Scissors the Pig (for size comparison) at Pine Crest Farm.
Col. Tom James standing next to Scissors the Pig (for size comparison) at Pine Crest Farm.
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But really, GO REBELS! Beat Arkansas! Hotty Toddy!