Austin’s Music Battles Hunger With Guitar Strings

Austin’s Music, owned by Kenneth Lacy and named for his son, is spearheading the war against hunger in Oxford. 

On Nov. 9 Lacy invites all the guitarists in the area to come to his store on Heritage Drive off of West Jackson with at least four non-perishable food items. In exchange for their donation, the music lovers — or friends of music lovers — will have their guitars cleaned and re-strung by Lacy’s expert staff. The event is called Strings For Food.

Ken Lacy urges musicians to bring in their non-perishable food items.

“Turn in those food items that are so badly needed by our local food pantries and we’ll make your guitar look like new,” Lacy said. “We’ll re-string them with top-of-the-line Dadbario and Curt Mangen products.”

Austin’s Music is just one of more than 600 music stores in the region which have agreed to put a dent in the food deficit that is hurting real families in Oxford and around the area.  “Musicians have always been known for their strong social consciousness and we expect a great outpouring of support on Nov. 9. This event happens right before Thanksgiving and it’s a perfect time for those of us who are more fortunate to remember our neighbors struggling just to put food on the table,” Lacy said.

For more information contact Lacy at  662-236-1311.

Andy Knef is Managing Editor of